Skulpt represents both the process of creation, and also the resulting form in which it becomes.
It contains movement as well as stillness, aspects which are often expressed simultaneously in the worlds of dance and sculpture.
As a subtractive process, a sculptor may remove and reduce material from the space. What is important is what remains. Dance, however, primarily concerned with movement, is more focused on what is added to the space.
Typically, these art forms are also viewed in specific settings. Dance is immediate, and exists in the moment, while sculpture is made to endure long after its creation.
Although employing different methods, both disciplines desire the same result; to capture or convey something through the use of form, in either a realistic or abstract manner.
It contains movement as well as stillness, aspects which are often expressed simultaneously in the worlds of dance and sculpture.
As a subtractive process, a sculptor may remove and reduce material from the space. What is important is what remains. Dance, however, primarily concerned with movement, is more focused on what is added to the space.
Typically, these art forms are also viewed in specific settings. Dance is immediate, and exists in the moment, while sculpture is made to endure long after its creation.
Although employing different methods, both disciplines desire the same result; to capture or convey something through the use of form, in either a realistic or abstract manner.
Inspired by these contrasting worlds and their various methods of expression, the elements of sculpture, dance and music are combined into a unique art film.
Each discipline is given a voice in the movie, and much like a choreographed dance between the various aspects, their beauty and their mystery are woven together into a new sphere of expression, the combination of which is stronger for the inclusion of each, and would be less without one of the parts.
Each individual artwork is shown independent of their significant time period and context, and are thus given a new life and representation.
Space and stillness are interrupted to inspire a new world of movement.
What stories could these fixed positions contain? Which direction would these sculptures move if given the opportunity, and which positions preceded these meticulously crafted shapes?
Which would follow?
Sculptural objects become dancers, and dancers become sculptural objects. Blurred lines fusing old and new, historic and current.
Be it movement or stillness,
a representation of reality or an abstract concept,
it is a perspective that is again fixed in time, yet open to interpretation.
A starting point from which one can mould, construct and sculpt.
And creation, as an end unto itself.
Denislav Kanev and Zachary Chant